Site-specific Infrastructure Studies

Stanislaus County has undertaken further infrastructure studies since adoption of the Specific Plan in 2018. The additional studies underscore the County’s commitment to help ready the site for development. Studies include:

  • Crows Landing Industrial Business Park Water Study (May 2020), which considers the size and location of the backbone water infrastructure required to serve The Landing. The proposed water supply and distribution system would be constructed specifically to serve The Landing. View the Report.
  • Crows Landing Industrial Business Park Phase 1A Infrastructure Design Project, Wastewater System Infrastructure Design Study (May 2020), which provides a framework for the phased construction of key collection, conveyance, treatment, and disposal elements. View the Report.
  • Crows Landing Industrial Drainage Study (2020), which identifies the most effective solution for addressing drainage during Phase 1A development. The plan propose the construction of a configuring linear storage area parallel to the DMC beneath the existing floodplain and narrowing the existing floodplain as much as possible while not without impeding or increasing existing peak flow and stage conditions. View the Report.